Light-Heavy Rainbow Indicator:

A light-heavy rainbow indicator color bar, found towards the bottom of MyRadar's screen


Radar returns are usually described by color or level. The colors in a radar image normally range from blue or green for weak returns, to red or magenta for very strong returns. The numbers in a verbal report increase with the severity of the returns. 

Here is the break-down of MyRadar displays radar data on the map:

White/Gray: 75dBZ - While this return level is high on the scale, it is used to indicate snowfall.
Purple - Magenta: 65-70 dBZ (May indicate thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes, or hurricanes or other extreme weather)
Red – Dark Red: 55-65 dBZ (Severe)
Orange – Orange-Red: 45-50 dBZ (Moderate to Severe)
Yellow – Dark Yellow: 35-40 dBZ (Moderate)
Green – Dark Green: 25-30 dBZ (light to moderate precipitation)
Light Green: 20-25 dBZ (light precipitation)
Blue – Dark Blue: 10-15 dBZ
Light Blue: 5-10 dBZ (little to none, may be rain/mist aloft)

Radar showing white? You may have the 'Precipitation Classification' feature enabled. When disabled, snow-like conditions will have a similar color scheme to rain activity.

To toggle it on/off, try the following:

  1. Open the Layers menu (stack of squares icon in app toolbar)
  2. From there, tap on the radar row at the top of the menu
  3. The Precipitation Classification toggle will be in the list of options for the Radar feature

A list of menu options for the Radar layer in MyRadar. At the bottom of the Precipitation classification toggle.